Wishing and Dreaming

“If you dream it, you can do it” ~Walt Disney  If you had one wish for education, what would it be?  We need dreams based not on what is but on what might be.  We need students who can learn how to learn, who can discover how to push themselves and are generous enough and honest enough to engage with the outside world to make those dreams happen.  I think our wishes and dreams change based on how we grow up, what we’re taught, whom we hang out with, and what our parents do.  There is nothing wrong with DREAMING BIG.   “What are you (we) doing to fuel students’ dreams?”  Dreams flicker long before they shine brightly….keep them flickering!  Who knows what this generation of students will do in the near future.

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About teacherstone

I am an assistant principal of a K-4 elementary school. I have taught grades 2nd-5th and served as an instructioanl technology coach for the district for six years. I am a NBCT, STAR teacher, and DEN teacher. I am also a technology adjunct professor at UAB Birmingham. I am currenlty working on my PhD in Educational Leadership and Instructional Technology Curriculum.

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