
What’s A Hashtag?

The # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keyword or topic in a Tweet. Any Twitter user can categorize or follow topics with hashtags.Those hashtags (usually) mean something and are a great way to get a tweet to appear in search results or discussion monitoring.

For example, the popular #edchat hashtag is used by thousands of users every Tuesday. It makes it easy (sort of) for people to monitor what’s happening in the conversation rather than having to try and guess what topics you should search for. By having a conversation on Twitter using hashtags, you also make it easy for any other Twitter user to join in.

How To Hide Your Hashtag Chat From Followers

When having a Twitter #hashtag chat, if you want to avoid overwhelming your followers, start any tweet you want to “hide” with @HideChat or (one character shorter) @HideTag. (Do NOT follow @HideChat or @HideTag. They exist only to help you hide your Twitter chats.) NOTE: This also works when live-tweeting events or shows.

You don’t need to do this with all your chat tweets (though you could). But it’s a good idea to do it with most of them so as not to overwhelm folks. You could also use this for conversations with someone that you didn’t want others to notice in your timeline, although direct messages would work best for that.


That’s why it’s probably helpful for you to check out the following list of popular educational hashtags. They have been curated by Cybraryman as well as by the Creative Education blog, our personal usage list and

The Most Popular Hashtags

  • #edchat – Education, worldwide (lots of US teachers). A really useful hashtag if you are interested in tweeting with a wide range of educators worldwide.
  • #schools – Massively wide ranging but used far less than #edchat or #ukedchat
  • #teaching – This hashtag seems to largely be used for jobseeking, FYI
  • #lrnchat – Learning chat
  • #TT – Teacher Tuesday where educators suggest others to follow
  • #kinderchat – hashtag for discussing kindergarten aged children
  • #EdChatIE – The educational hashtag for Ireland for all three levels
  • #ukedchat – UK Education
  • #ClavEd – The educational hashtag for French Speakers – Wednesdays at 12h(EST) 13h(ATL) 18h(Paris)
  • #GlobalEd – Education with a global dimension


  • #edtech – a very wide range of tweets relating to the use of technology in education.
  • #elearning – eLearning topics
  • #mlearning – the use of mobile technologies in education, also #mobilelearning though this is less used
  • #edapp – educational apps
  • #gbl – games based learning
  • #slide2learn – iDevices and learning
  • #vitalcpd – effective use of technology in the classroom

Subject Specific

Specific Areas / Roles

  • #pgce – this is a widely used hashtag and is a great way to share ideas and support
  • #gtchat – for tweets related to gifted and talented education
  • #esl – English as a second language, this seemed to have more relevant tweets than #EFL
  • #Bullying – especially good for finding bullying resources or help and support if bullying is an issue though it is not confined to school bullying
  • #cpchat – connected principals discussion
  • #ntchat – new teachers, (#nqtchat seems to have lapsed)
  • #spedchat – special educational needs. Live chat every Tuesday night at 8:30 EST for special education related topics
  • #homeschool – everything related to home schooling, seems to be far more widely used than #hsc
  • #playoutdoors – outdoor play and learning ideas
  • #TLChat – is the hashtag for Teacher Librarians’ discussions/resources
  • #ESDGC – Education for sustainability and global citizenship

The Full List of (Nearly) All Educational Hashtags

  1. #addcym
  2. #ageduchat
  3. #aimlang
  4. #AltEdchat
  5. #apbio
  6. #artsed
  7. #asechat
  8. #atplc
  9. #bettercollege
  10. #blogchat
  11. #collegechat
  12. #connectedpd
  13. #cpchat (Connected Principals)
  14. #CUAD (College Unions & Activities Discussion)
  15. #digcit
  16. #diversedu
  17. #DUedchat
  18. #ecosys (Change in Public Ed)
  19. #edchat
  20. #edchatIE
  21. #edtech
  22. #educachat
  23. #edadmin
  24. #edapp
  25. #edtech
  26. #educachat
  27. #elemchat
  28. #ellchat
  29. #engchat
  30. #ELTchat
  31. #finnedchat
  32. #FYCchat (College Writing Profs)
  33. #gtchat
  34. #gtie (Gifted & Talented in Ireland)
  35. #guidechat
  36. #hiphoped
  37. #hsc (Homeschool)
  38. #innochat (Innovation)
  39. #iPadChat
  40. #isedchat (Ind. Schools)
  41. #journchat (Journalists)
  42. #kedu (Kindergarten)
  43. #k12media
  44. #langchat
  45. #lrnchat (Learning)
  46. #mathchat
  47. #midleved (Middle School)
  48. #musedchat
  49. #ntqchat
  50. #ntchat (New Teacher)
  51. #onecom (One Comment)
  52. #PATeach (Pennsylvania Teachers)
  53. #ptchat (Parent-Teacher)
  54. #SAChat (Student Affairs)
  55. #schoolprchat
  56. #scichat
  57. #smchat (Social Media)
  58. #smedu
  59. #smmanners
  60. #spedchat (Special Ed)
  61. #sschat
  62. #stdntchat
  63. #tichat
  64. #tlchat
  65. #titletalk (Librarians – Books)
  66. #tweatre
  67. #ukedchat
  68. #urbaned
  69. #web20chat
  70. #yalitchat
  71. #1stchat
  72. #2ndchat
  73. #3rdchat
  74. #4thchat
  75. #5thchat
  76. #6thchat
  77. #ACT
  78. #adhd
  79. #admin
  80. #AltEd
  81. #apush
  82. #archives
  83. #arted
  84. #artsed
  85. #arteacher
  86. #ascd
  87. #aspergers
  88. #assessment
  89. #assistivetech
  90. #atrisk
  91. #Autism
  92. #beltfree
  93. #betterlearning
  94. #bilingual
  95. #biology
  96. #bizedu
  97. #BlackEd
  98. #blackhistory
  99. #blackhistorymonth
  100. #bhm
  101. #books
  102. #bullying
  103. #careered
  104. #cells4ed
  105. #childcare
  106. #children
  107. #classroom_displays
  108. #classroom_rules
  109. #classroom20
  110. #classrooms
  111. #coachchat
  112. #collaboration
  113. #comments4kids
  114. #communication
  115. #counselors
  116. #cpchat
  117. #curriculum
  118. #cte
  119. #cybersafety
  120. #dadstalking
  121. #dernsw
  122. #dicasdeingles
  123. #directinstruction
  124. #disted
  125. #dyslexia
  126. #eadsunday
  127. #earlyed
  128. #ece
  129. #ecetech
  130. #ecosys
  131. #ecse
  132. #ed20
  133. #edACT
  134. #edaction
  135. #edadmin
  136. #edapp
  137. #edappadfree
  138. #edbnchat
  139. #edbuzz
  140. #edchat
  141. #edgap
  142. #edleaders
  143. #elearning
  144. #edreform
  145. #EdRes
  146. #edschools
  147. #edsci
  148. #edtech
  149. #edtecharab
  150. #edu
  151. #educon
  152. #edubk
  153. #edublog
  154. #educared
  155. #educacion
  156. #education
  157. #educators
  158. #educhat
  159. #educon
  160. #edugreen
  161. #eduit
  162. #edupd
  163. #edutech
  164. #EduThingsILike
  165. #efl
  166. #ela
  167. #elearning
  168. #elemchat
  169. #elementary
  170. #ell
  171. #ellchat
  172. #elt
  173. #engedu
  174. #english
  175. #english-teacher
  176. #enrichingkids
  177. #e-safety
  178. #esl
  179. #esol
  180. #e20
  181. #fb4ed
  182. #FETC
  183. #flatclassroom
  184. #flipclass
  185. #followalibrarian
  186. #followfriday
  187. #forteachers
  188. #gbl
  189. #gct
  190. #geographyteacher
  191. #gifted #grandparentlessons
  192. #graphic_organizers
  193. #great-teaching
  194. #grtechedu
  195. #gt
  196. #gtaa
  197. #gtadmin
  198. #gtchat
  199. #gted
  200. #gtie
  201. #GTvoice
  202. #health
  203. #healthed
  204. #highered
  205. #highschool
  206. #hiphoped
  207. #history
  208. #historyteacher
  209. #homeschool
  210. #homeschoolers
  211. #homeschooling
  212. #hs
  213. #hsc
  214. #i-can-teach-you
  215. #infolit
  216. #ingles
  217. #inglesparavaler
  218. #inspiringed
  219. #iowa1to1
  220. #ipm
  221. #i-teach
  222. #iwb
  223. #jalt
  224. #journalism
  225. #k12
  226. #k12Live
  227. #K12Media
  228. #k12online
  229. #kedu
  230. #kids
  231. #kindergarten
  232. #languagearts
  233. #languages
  234. #LD
  235. #learn
  236. #learning
  237. #learningdispositions
  238. #lessonplans
  239. #librarians
  240. #library
  241. #linkedin
  242. #litchat
  243. #literacy
  244. #littlekids
  245. #liveclass
  246. #lrnchat
  247. #mashable
  248. #math
  249. #mathchat
  250. #middleschool
  251. #midleved
  252. #mlearning
  253. #mobilelearning
  254. #motivationalmonday
  255. #moodle
  256. #mpln
  257. #multi-media
  258. #musedchat
  259. #musiced
  260. #musicmonday
  261. #musictech
  262. #mustech
  263. #naeyc
  264. #NCLB
  265. #ncss
  266. #ncte
  267. #newEdblogs
  268. #newmedia
  269. #ning
  270. #nomoremyths
  271. #nptech
  272. #nswdec
  273. #nswk6
  274. #ntcamp
  275. #ntchat
  276. #nwp
  277. #OLTips
  278. #onlinelearning
  279. #opened
  280. #openhs
  281. #oxteach
  282. #parentgirls
  283. #parenting
  284. #parents
  285. #passiondriven
  286. #PATeach
  287. #PCTParents
  288. #pde
  289. #PE
  290. #pgce
  291. #physed
  292. #pin
  293. #playoutdoors
  294. #PLE
  295. #plnfit
  296. #prek
  297. #preknow
  298. #preschool
  299. #preservice
  300. #primarysources
  301. #profdev
  302. #ptchat
  303. #QRcodes
  304. #qrinedu
  305. #rbrc
  306. #readers
  307. #reading
  308. #readwriteweb
  309. #reteacher
  310. #rethinkschool
  311. #RttT
  312. #ruraled
  313. #SAchat
  314. #sagrow
  315. #SAT
  316. #scichat
  317. #science
  318. #school
  319. #schoolcounseling
  320. #schooldistricts
  321. #schools (Massively wide ranging but used far less than #edchat or #ukedchat)
  322. #schools2life
  323. #secondary
  324. #secondlife
  325. #sgachat
  326. #SIGMS
  327. #slideshare
  328. #slidetolearn
  329. #slms
  330. #slpeeps
  331. #smart
  332. #smartboards
  333. #smchat
  334. #social-media
  335. #socialstudies
  336. #socmedfored
  337. #spanishchat
  338. #speakloudly
  339. #specialneeds
  340. #sped
  341. #speech
  342. #SLPsnQs
  343. #STEM
  344. #strugglingreaders
  345. students
  346. #studentteacher
  347. #studyfun
  348. #TCEA
  349. #tck
  350. #teach
  351. #teacher-librarian
  352. #teach-me
  353. #teacher-librarian
  354. #teachpreschool
  355. #teachers
  356. #teachertraining
  357. #teachertuesday
  358. #teaching
  359. #tech
  360. #technology
  361. #tefl
  362. #temt
  363. #tesol
  364. #thinkingguides
  365. #titletalk
  366. #tlchat
  367. #tools
  368. #TSETC
  369. #TT
  370. #tt4t
  371. #tweatre
  372. #twitterstorians
  373. #tweachers
  374. #twitacad
  375. #twituts
  376. #twittertips
  377. #twote
  378. #2E
  379. #2ekids
  380. #visualthinking
  381. #vitalcpd
  382. #web20
  383. #web20wednesday
  384. #wirelessedtech
  385. #WLteach
  386. #writechat
  387. #writegoal
  388. #writers
  389. #writing
  390. #writingmod

Using Twitter in the Classroom

So now you have 300+ hashtags at your disposal…now what? Put them to good use and start using Twitter in the Classroom!

There’s a Google Doc out there right now that’s quickly becoming a tremendous resource. 100 (and counting) people have joined @tombarrett and have been collaborating on it in order to build what is quite possibly one of the best presentations on using Twitter in the classroom I’ve ever seen.

The best part? The presentation lives on Google Docs and is constantly being updated by an array of people. You can edit it too! Just click here to add the presentation to your Google Docs and start adding your $0.02 (or more if you can spare it).

– See more at:

Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is a free iPad app for creating slideshow presentations. There are two features of Haiku Deck that stand out. First, Haiku Deck intentionally limits how much text that you can put on each of your slides. Second, Haiku Deck helps you find Creative Commons licensed images for your presentations. When you type a word or words on your slides you can have Haiku Deck search for images for you. The images that Haiku Deck serves up are large enough to completely fill your slide. You can also upload your own images from your iPad or import images from Instagram and Facebook.  Check out for examples of how Haiku Deck has been used.

Seven Norms of Collaboration

 Seven Norms of Collaboration

 These norms build group energy, commitment, and effectiveness.

  • Pausing.  Not all brains work at the same rate or use the same processes.  There are four types of pauses: 1) after a question, 2) after someone speaks, 3) personal reflection time, and 4) the collective pause (structured or spontaneous).  Pausing, then paraphrasing are two steps that set up deeper types of discussion.
  • Paraphrasing.  To help the group be as receptive as possible, avoid using “I” as you paraphrase.  Instead, try using the following openers:

You’re suggesting…  You’re proposing..  So, what you’re wondering is…  So, you are thinking that…

Choose a logical level for your response:  Acknowledge and clarify content and emotion, or structure or bring together a number of statements or issues expressed by the group, or change the level of logic by raising or lowering it.
  • Probing for Specificity.  Human brains form generalizations from diverse pieces of information as a matter of survival.  Therefore, a special effort is needed to gain specificity, a requirement for good group communication and understanding.  Clarify vague pronouns, such as the generalized “they.”  Use specific verbs.  Find out what specific rules are behind words such as “must” and “cannot.”  Avoid using absolute or universal words such as everyone, all, never, and always.
  • Putting Ideas on the Table.  To present ideas in the spirit of group sharing and collaboration, try using one or more of the following openers:
Here is an idea for consideration…  One possible approach…  This is not an advocacy, I’m just thinking out loud…

Also know when to withdraw an idea if it is getting in the way of moving forward.  Make sure, too, that the group works with data, not just impressions.  
  • Paying Attention to Self and Others.  People have differing learning styles, so interact with them by recognizing their language and physical cues.  Listen for whether group members use visual, auditory, or kinesthetic modes of thinking and expression:  I see, I hear, I feel….
  • Presuming Positive Intentions.  Phrase and frame issues and concerns in positive rather than negative language.  
  • Pursuing a Balance Between Advocacy and Inquiry.  Using both cognitive and emotional means, spend equal amounts of time “advocating for one’s own ideas and inquiring into the ideas of others.”

QR Codes Static Vs Dynamic

QR Codes are everywhere!!!  They were created as a step up from a bar code.  QR stands for QUICK RESPONSE.  It contains data in both vertical and horizontal directions, whereas a bar code has only one direction of data, usually the vertical one. A QR code can also  hold more data/information. It is easily digested by scanning equipment, and because it has potentially twice the amount of data as bar code, it can increase the effectiveness of such scanning.

A basic fundamental of QR codes is that the pattern of modules in the QR code image is a direct graphical representation of the data it contains. That’s just the way QR codes work and is the essence of the algorithm that creates the QR code image.

Static QR Code: The actual destination website URL is placed directly into the QR code and can’t be modified.

Dynamic QR Code: A short URL is placed into the QR code which then transparently re-directs the user to the intended destination website URL, with the short URL redirection destination URL able to be changed after the QR code has been created.
Dynamic QR codes greatly extend the useful life of a single QR code since, once published, where it sends the user to can be changed at will without it having to be replaced with a new QR code image every time the destination changes. A single QR code image can be deployed permanently in-the-wild and then simply re-tasked as and when required – link it to your own website this week, a YouTube video next week, your Facebook page the week after that, etc, etc. Or to different offer or coupon pages on your own website as each new promotional program is released over time.

They’re also handy when you have a temporary “placeholder” URL that will be changed once the final content or URL location is ready to go but the QR code needs to be created ahead of time, if the actual URL of your content changes.  In other words, great for those of us that constantly change things, create new places/sites, and like to explore new ways.

Google Form Templates

Test and Quizzes

  • Self Correcting Spelling Quiz – This form allows a teacher to enter 20 words and once the quiz is completed, it self corrects and analyzes the data. 
  • Virtual Inbox – A form that collects the web address of students work and organizes it by school and grade.

Administrative Forms 
  • Administrative Observation Walkthrough – This is an teacher observation form that the administrators can use. The iPod Touch provides an easy way for data entry, then they can complete the observation in the spreadsheet once complete.
  • Technology Survey  – This is the survey we give to staff and students at the beginning of the school year.
  • Three Minute Administrative Walk-Through – This is an teacher observation form that the administrators use in my district. The iPod Touch provides an easy way for data entry, then they can complete the observation in the spreadsheet once complete. 
  • Homework Check – This is a detailed form that teachers input student scores and the spreadsheet coordinates the results based on which assignments the teacher was using. 
  • Discipline Form – This forms allow teacher entry of disciplinary actions. Note: We use avatar names when entering information.

  • Story Board – Used by student groups to write and produce a video project.  
  • Booklist Template – Used by teachers to keep track of the names and quantity of books read by students. 
  • Word Find Template – Not a form, but spreadsheet where the user can create a custom word find.
  • Auto-Email Form – This form takes the data entered into it and sends it to the email address asked for by the form
  • Observation Record – This Form and Display Spreadsheet show when teachers are observed so they are not always done the same day or class.

Blubbr – Create Interactive Quizzes Using YouTube Clips

Blubbr allows you to create interactive quizzes that are based on YouTube clips. The structure of the quizzes has a viewer watch a short clip then answer a multiple choice question about the clip. Viewers know right away if they chose the correct answer or not.

To create a quiz on Blubbr start by entering a topic for your quiz. After entering your topic enter a search for a video about that topic. Blubbr will generate a list of videos that you can select from to use in your quiz. When you find a video that works for you, trim the clip to a length that you like then write out your question and answer choices. Repeat the process for as many video clips as you like.

Math Sites and Apps

Choosing the right math app is very important.  Checkout some of the apps below…they are just a little more than skill and drill PLUS higher-order thinking.

Native Numbers –

Bugs and Numbers –

Elevated Math –

Numberosity –!/id554637363?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4

Squeebles Fractions –

Squeebles Bingo –

Motion Math HD –

Sum Stacker –

Unknown Square –

Connect Sums –